Applications for NE-TF1 is currently: CLOSED
Application Announcement: 2023 NE-TF1 Application Announcement
Application Procedure:
Step 1: Review NE-TF1 Policy on compensation vs non compensation for trainings & deployments
Step 2: Review the FEMA Position Description for the position for which you wish to apply: ​POSITION DESCRIPTIONS (Refer to Table of Contents for page numbers)
****Refer to Current Announcement for open positions
Step 3: Complete the recruitment application website - THIS IS REQUIRED !!! Click on the link to visit the applicant website that allows access to upload mandatory certifications, licenses & documents.​
​Step 4: You should upload any training certifications & additional documents that you would like NETF1 to consider
Review the additional list of training certifications HERE
Upload additional certifications and any additional documents HERE
NE-TF1 will provide training opportunities to accepted applicants to fulfill position requirements
Click HERE if you have any technical difficulties submitting your application electronically.
Thank you for your interest in joining NE-TF1